1. Popular Lecture
    The Department of Biotechnology will consider proposals under the Scheme - Popular Lectures in biotechnology by Experts for popularization of biotechnology for financial assistance from Institutions / Universities which are actively working in the research area of Biotechnology. The Popular Lectures in biotechnology by experts should be organized for students from schools, colleges, universities & also for general public to bring general awareness among them about the basic concepts, recent advances & potential of modern Biology & Biotechnology.
    1. The institution should organize a series of three lectures in a financial year, two by external experts and one by an internal expert.
    2. Out of the three lectures at least one lecture should be organized in Hindi or in the local language.
    3. The topic of lecture should be selected on the basic concepts & recent advances in modern biology / biotechnology from the list of tentatively identified priority areas.
    4. The institution should identify a coordinator who would co-ordinate the organization of the lectures. Responsibility of the coordinator would include publicity for lectures, correspondence with schools etc., transport of students, arrangements for lectures, tea etc.
    5. In the proposal for financial assistance the dates, topics, names of lectures & their speakers should be informed.
    6. Wide publicity should be given for the lectures.
    7. The lecture text should be illustrative with diagrams, photographs, tables etc. and not merely descriptive. Also it should be in a printed form having at least 10 pages of each lecture. Printed copies of the lectures should be distributed to the audience and also should be sent to the libraries of the local schools, colleges etc. It should clearly indicate on the cover page that the programme has been sponsored by Department of Biotechnology.
    8. The Department of Biotechnology will provide a lump sum grant upto @ Rs.8,000/- per lecture towards meeting the related items of expenditure for arranging the lecture. In addition, grant for payment of TA/DA to external expert speaker will be provided as per entitlement & government norms.
    9. The lectures should be organized within a period of six months from the date of issue of the sanction by DBT.
    10. More than two applications from the same Organisation may not be entertained in the same period. The final discretion on the same would be taken by the Committee based on the quality of the proposals
    11. You can upload a pdf file of maximum size of 2 MB.
  2. Online Seminars (Webinars)
    In view of the changed scenario, the Department has now also approved the inclusion of Online Seminars (Webinar) under Popular Lecture component related to different aspects of biotechnology.
    1. Online Seminars (Webinar) under Popular Lecture component have a financial ceiling of Rs. 8,000/- for arrangements and other expenses per webinar.
    2. Institutions, Colleges and Organizations may apply subject to upper ceiling of two (2) Online Seminars (Webinars) in a month related to different aspects of biotechnology.
    3. Links of the event to be informed to DBT-CTEP Cell well in advance.
  1. Claims should be submitted with complete documents within 3 months (90 days) from the completion of the event. Any claim received beyond this period will not be considered for payment.
  2. Soft copy of the lectures along with recording and photographs of the event.
  3. A detailed report on the event clearly mentioning the number of participants.
  4. Final grant and reimbursement will be released at the earliest subject to availability of funds after the receipt of the Utilization Certificate and Statement of Total Income & Expenditure in the Proposal. To download UC and SE format refer UC/SE Format.
  5. The UC&SE should be duly signed and stamped by an independent Chartered Accountant in case the organisation is Non-Government.
  6. Duly verified Bank details of your organisation (Name as per bank records, bank name, branch name and address, account no, nature of account, IFSC code and MICR Code) may please be attached while submitting the UC/SE.

Note: The UC & SE along with necessary documents are to be submitted to:
Ms. Anita Sharma (MANAGER)
DBT-CTEP Management Cell
Biotech Consortium India Limited
5th Floor, Anuvrat Bhawan | 210, Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg
New Delhi - 110 002 | India
Tel.: 91-11-2321 9064-67 | Fax: 91-11-2321 9063
E-mail:- ctepcell[at]dbt[dot]nic[dot]in
